Festivals & Public Holidays

List of national holidays observed in Scotland in year 2023.

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National Flag of Scotland

Bank Holidays in Scotland 2023

All National holidays in Scotland are observed as per government declaration of public holidays. All banks, government offices and education institutions remains closed in Scotland during these national holidays. Scotland holiday calendar for year 2023.

National Holidays in Scotland 2023

Day Date Holiday Name Type
Sunday New Year's Day Bank Holiday
Monday New Year's Day (First Monday if 1st is Saturday or Sunday) Bank Holiday
Tuesday Day after New Year's Day (Scotland) Regional Holiday
Sunday Mothering Sunday (Not a National Holiday) Not A Public Holiday
Friday Good Friday Bank Holiday
Sunday Easter Sunday Not A Public Holiday
Monday Early May Bank Holiday (First Monday in May) Bank Holiday
Monday King Charles III's Coronation Bank Holiday
Monday Spring Bank Holiday (Last Monday in May) Bank Holiday
Sunday Father's Day (3rd Sunday in June. Not a public holiday) Not A Public Holiday
Monday Summer bank holiday (First Monday in August (Scotland)) Regional Holiday
Sunday Remembrance Sunday (Not a public holiday) Not A Public Holiday
Thursday St. Andrew's Day (Scotland Only) Regional Holiday
Monday Christmas Day Bank Holiday
Tuesday Boxing Day Bank Holiday

Public Holidays in 2023

Countries by Alphabets
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z

Religious Festivals